Sunday, January 31, 2010

Journal of African Beads from Ghana

Learn about  beads, bead makers, artists, and history related to beads in Ghana from the colorful and interesting journal published by Tanya Jardi Kordylas called "Ahene". Ahene means beads in Twi, a local dialect in Ghana spoken by the Akan tribe. You can reach Tanya on  and she will forward a copy to you.

 As you can see from the necklace above designed by Adner-Bergart with beads from Ghana , there are many styles of beads produced in Ghana.  There is new powdered glass, recycled glass, new patterned glass, Ashanti brass, and many old beads still available. Ghana is the center of beadmaking in Africa. "Ahene" is a wonderful resource of information about Ghanian beads.

The necklace shown above is from the website,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

African Beads

My friend Ellen had a project in Liberia, Africa .  She gave me these wonderful beads that she found in the marketplace there.   It was such a special gift and  I want to make a necklace that will make the large black and white beads look wonderful.  I have tried silver and red glass beads, spiny oyster.  This rendition is simpler than the others.  The yellow beads are Tibetan agate and the large bicone beads are Ethiopian hand made brass.  These Liberian beads are tricky because of their weight and size. Any suggestions out there in cyberspace?
I am working so hard on this necklace because it will be used as a fundraiser to help a boy Ellen met in Liberia who suffered terrible burns.  The Shriners have agreed to take him in their burn center in Boston, but he will need clothes and sundries while he is here.
Tanya, publisher of the" Ahene " journal has informed me that the black beads are made in Barkina Faso and Mali, and the bicone brass beads come from Nigeria or maybe the Cameroon.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show

The turquoise stones in this necklace come from the Sleeping Beauty Mine in Globe Arizona.  The turquoise from this mine is a beautiful, bright color and has no matrix.  I purchased these stones at TheTucson Gem and Mineral and Gem show a few years ago.

There are gems,minerals and beads from around the world.  The show is in many locations around the city of Tucson, Arizona.  Tables are piled high with gemstones, pearls, semi precious stones and everything you can imagine.  The last time I was there I purchased wedgewood blue calcedony , rainbow moonstones, turquoise, green opals, sterling silver, coral, Ethiopian brass beads and the turquoise you see in the necklace above. Mindboggleing is the word to describe it!

I am going to the show this year in early February. If you want to find more about it , the website is

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bead weaving - Handmade Designer Necklace

Every once in awhile a necklace takes on another dimension. To me, this handmade designer necklace looks like the motion of an iridescent stream of water. The body of this necklace is woven from tiny glass seed beads. A strand of iridescent Swarovski Crystal is  threaded through the the woven openings. It takes patience, perseverance and time to weave a fine necklace

My friend Alyce is the creator of this masterpiece. Her hands are so capable, whether she is weaving a necklace or making  baklava.