Saturday, October 24, 2009

Colors and Patterns -Wiener Werkstatte Necklace

This handmade designer necklace is listed as made by the Wiener Werkstatte. " The Wiener Werkstatte (1903-32) was a collaborative of designers and craftsmen that sought to create an art appropriate for a modern age. They saw functional and decorative objects as equal to the fine arts and strove for a precise balance of form and color." Quote from "Wiener Werkstatte Jewelry" Neue Gallery, NYC.
I picture this necklace acting as a collar around the base of the neck. It is made of tiny seed beads in a rainbow of colors. The patterned stripe and check pieces must have been woven. They are connected by multicolor strands of beads the repeat the color in the design. I would love to know how the necklace keeps it's octagon shape. I would be greatly appreciative if anyone out there in cyber space can enlighten me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Combining Color

In Lisa Kosan's interview with Iris Apful, fashion doyenne, she said "In the right tonality, I never met a color I didn't like." The fuscia and rust in the necklace above are examples of colors that could clash, but do not when they are in the same tones.

When designing a room, a rule of thumb is to use a lot of neutral, a lesser amount of a second color, and a small amount of an accent color. This necklace uses the same principles. The major colors are the black and white batik bone from Kenya which is neutral, the next amount of color is orange in various tones. There is the soft apricot shade of the large recycled glass pieces from Ghana, the brown ( a dark orange) of the bauxite that surrounds the centerpiece, and the rust in the vintage Murano glass beads. The accent and smallest amount is the fuscia vintage Murano glass beads. This works as well in necklaces as it does in rooms.

Check out this necklaces and others at

Friday, October 9, 2009

Iris Apfel - "Rare Bird of Fashion"

The October 8,2009 Boston Globe G section has an interesting article by Christopher Muther about Iris Apfel and her fantastic fashion collection. The show of a lifetime's collection of clothing, jewelry and other accessories will open at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem , Ma. Her skill is combining diverse fashion items to make a work of art. She used expensive designer clothes, handmade designer necklaces as well as blue jeans and other inexpensive items. In an interview with the Peabody Museum Editorial Director, Lisa Kosan, she said she liked "architectural clothes so I can embellish them myself."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Handmade Designer Necklace: Ivory silk and mother of pearl.

If your are a tall , large woman this handmade designer necklace is for you ! If you have tawny or dark skin even better! It will look wonderful with an ivory silk low necked top . The mother of pearl and vintage Murano glass will compliment your skin, and the sensual dropped teardrop will accentuate your cleavage. Wear it on a tropical night or a sunny day. It is a one of a kind necklace and can be found at