The black and white striped beads are old Mali glass. One can tell that they are old by the fine patterns and the thin edges. The new Mali glass wedding beads are of harsher solid colors. They have a slightly squared edge. Be sure when you purchase Mali Wedding beads that you pay for what you get. Like everything else, the old beads are much more expensive than the new ones.
The large circular new Ashanti brass beads are a great substitute for gold. They have a wonderful bronze gold color, distinctive patterns, and come in a myriad of shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, I have purchased strands that have so many defects that I have only been able to use a few of the beads. Defects I have found are: one side is perfect and the other side has holes in it, extra brass drops fall on the piece, and pieces are broken. A word to the wise, examine them carefully before purchasing.
A necklace of old blue Mali wedding beads similar to the one above is on the website Cost is $250. Use the comment space on this blog or the follow the instructions on the website if you wish to make a purchase.